
Visualizzazione dei post da luglio, 2017

zabbinata a camagna country house

Ciauru di Sicilia Visiting Sicily and More... "Zabbinata a Camagna Country House" Ricotta is not a cheese but a creamy curd. The curd is literally cooked twice hence the name "ricotta," re-cooked. The leftover hot whey of milk used for cheese making has milk solids and a protein called albumin, which solidifies under high heat. When the whey is reheated (re-cooked) the solid milk parts are skimmed off to drain, and this is called ricotta cheese. Ricotta is known as an albumin or serum cheese, a cheese made as a by-product of provolone cheese from the recooked whey, hence its name. The foam of the whey when it is being recooked is called zabbina in Sicilian, which comes from the Arabic word zarb, thought also to be the root of the custard dessert zabaione. The best ricotta is made with sheep's milk. Ricotta salata is a Sicilian specialty made from drained and dried ricotta. It is used in salads, grated over pasta and stuffed into...

Un tuffo dove il mare è più blu - a pochi minuti da camagna

Ciauru di Sicilia Visiting sicily and More A diciassette spiagge siciliane le Bandiere Blu.... La Fondazione per l’educazione ambientale in Italia premia la Sicilia con 17 bandiere blu   in sette località diverse, con un nuovo ingresso rispetto allo scorso anno e alcune conferme. Per la prima volta conquista la bandiera blu il lungomare di Santa Teresa di Riva nel messinese. Nell’elenco per il secondo anno consecutivo anche le spiagge di Tusa (Lampare e Marina), di Menfi nell’agrigentino (Porto Palo Cipollazzo e Lido Fiori Bertolino) e poi nel ragusano tutto il litorale di Ispica (Santa Maria del Focallo, Ciriga I tratto, Ciriga II tratto, Ciriga III tratto), Marina di Ragusa e a Pozzallo due spiagge (Raganzino e Pietrenere). La Fondazione premia anche le Eolie con Lipari (Canneto e Acquacalda), Vulcano (Acque Termali e Gelso) e Stromboli (Ficogrande). RISERVA NATURALE ORIENTATA FOCE DEL FIUME BELICE E DUNE LIMITROFE Si estende fra Marinel...

street food palermo

Ciauru di Sicilia Visiting Sicily and More.. A Guide to Palermo's Street Food Palermitani take their street food very seriously and the diversity and quality of Palermo's street food has given it a prestigious place in the top 10 cities for street food in the world. The delicious snacks you will find on the streets of Palermo are famous for their richness and fusion of culinary influences. The local markets are great places to try some of the cities local specialities. Don't miss out on the famous markets of Vucciria, Ballaro and Il Capo. Close-by to the Vucciria is the characteristic neighbourhood of La Kalsa, with some of the best street food in the whole of Palermo. Here are Camagna Country house top street food recommendations that will tantalise your taste adventurous and try everything!  Panelle and Crocchè it would be the colour of the  panelle . They are savoury fritters made with chick-pea flour and are m...

The Sicilian Flag

Ciauru di Sicilia Visiting Sicily and More..... The Sicilian Flag Trinacria is the island's symbol. It is a Gorgon's head whose hair consists of braded snakes and ears of wheat, and it symbolizes Sicily's fertility. Three legs bent at the knee radiate from its head. Gorgon was the name given to the mythological daughters of Forco and Ceto, two gods of the sea usually described with wild boar tusks, bronze hands, golden wings and snakes wrapped around their head and waist. According to Hesiod, they were Medusa (the Gorgon for antonomasia), Stheno (the mighty) and Euryale (the far-springer). The Gorgons had the power to turn to stone anyone who gazed at them, and lived with Atlante's daughters, the Hesperydes, on a blissful island in a remote western corner of the world. The three legs represent the extreme points ( triskeles  means three corners) of Sicily, Capo Peloro (also called Punta del Faro) in Messina district, Capo Passero, a f...